If you would like to nominate someone these are the criteria:
These guidelines are to be followed during establishment of the new scheme. The BPSA Committee (henceforth ‘the committee’) may modify them in future.
· Plaques may record persons, places or events. Initially BPSA will concentrate on persons.
· Persons commemorated should have a strong link to St Albans or be a widely recognised national/international figure. Initial preference will be given to St Albans citizens who have contributed significantly to the life of the city or district.
· No living person will be considered. Generally, their status should have been proven over a significant lapse of time since.
· BPSA will aim for a representative balance in regard to gender, race etc.
· Reasons for nomination and supplementary information or evidence will be considered and assessed by the committee.
· No more than one plaque will normally be placed for any individual person, including prior placement of a plaque by other organisations, unless there is a clear need for replacement and by mutual agreement if the original organisation or its successor can be identified.
· An appropriate site for the plaque must be identified. The site owner’s permission will be obtained by the committee. Initially BPSA will concentrate on the city centre or areas most accessible to visitors.
· It would be helpful if possible sources of funding could be indicated.
· The wording on plaques will be limited by space and agreed to by the committee.

Membership of the BPSA committee:
Tim Boatswain, Chair
Bryan Hanlon, Hon Treasurer: St Albans & Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society (Arc & Arc)
Alex Wiltshire, Hon Secretary: Blue Plaques St Albans
Steve Potter: City and District of St Albans Tour Guides
Stephen de Silva: St Albans Cathedral
Robert Pankhurst: Conservation 50
Robert Osborne: St Albans Civic Society
Marilyn Bell: Business Improvement District (BID)
Cllr. Raj Visram: SADC
Catherine (Cat) Newley: Museum + Gallery
BPSA Committee