Your support is greatly appreciated. Every donation, no matter how small, can make a difference. Thank you for considering a donation to Blue Plaques St Albans.
Either online banking to:
Blue Plaques St Albans (Metro Bank)
A/c No. 36483857
Sort Code: 23-05- 80
For payments outside UK
or contact us at: blueplaquesstalbans@gmail.com
Blue Plaques St Albans is a voluntary organization dedicated to celebrating the significant men and women who lived or worked in the city of St Albans. Our mission is to install blue plaques on the relevant buildings to commemorate their achievements and contributions to the community. Your donation can help us continue our work and ensure that the legacy of these remarkable individuals is remembered. By making a donation, you will be supporting our efforts to preserve the history of St Albans and honour those who have made a significant impact on our city.

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